- Beginning today, customers who have a credit card on file and usually pay via this method won't be sent the invoice before the actual date the invoice is paid. Now, […]
- Having MFA/2FA enabled for your online accounts is strongly encouraged. This is now a minimum recommendation when it comes to basic security practise. Here at XYZulu we take security very […]
- .au direct domain registration will launch 24 March 2022! Some quick answers to questions you may have: Can I purchase or reserve a .au domain name before 24 March 2022?No. […]
- Update 7 February 2022: .au direct domain names – launch date 24 March 2022 You may have already heard, but the big news in the Australian internet landscape is the creation […]
- Some of you may have noticed that our website URL has changed from xyzulu.hosting to xyzuluhosting.com For some time we have been watching the price of our domain name xyzulu.hosting […]
Latest AnnouncementsBrad Baker2022-03-16T11:55:02+11:00