Why is this happening?
We may contact you if our records show that the ABN/ACN associated with your .com.au (or other .au domain) is no longer valid. This issue often happens when an ABN expires, is registered to a trust, or if there has been a change in business ownership but the domain name associated with your business did not have it’s ABN updated in the auDA database (auDA manages all .au domain names and the licenses to use them).
To keep your domain eligible, you will need to take action. Although we will notify you of this issue, it’s important to note that this is beyond our control. It’s part of auDA’s policies, and we must follow their instructions. These ABN/ACN checks are performed at domain renewal, registration and transfer.
You can check the current ABN/ACN linked to your domain by performing a WHOIS search at: whois.auda.org.au
What action do I need to take? (first use the whois tool above to determine the ABN linked to your domain name)
To resolve this, you may need to follow one or more of these steps:
- Manual Change of Registrant (CoR): If the original owner of the domain agreed to transfer it before their business was closed, you can manually request a CoR. The transfer must also meet auDA’s eligibility requirements. These requirements are listed on the auDA website: Registrant Eligibility and Change registrant policy. However, it’s unlikely this is the situation that led you to this article
- Businesses/Organisations with Expired ABN/ACN: If you can’t reactivate your ABN/ACN, we will need proof that the domain has changed ownership. Acceptable documents include:
- A sales agreement showing the business was sold
- A signed letter on company letterhead confirming the domain name transfer
- Any valid document showing ownership transfer
- Domain names registered with a trust ABN/ACN: If you can provide us the trust deed showing the ABN of the trustee(s) will be able able to have your domain updated to a valid state. Without a trust deed, you will need to follow the steps in the section Transfer of Domain Chain Form below
- Inactive Sole Traders and Partnerships: You can either reactivate your ABN online to remain eligible for the domain and then perform a change of registrant to update the domain’s registration to your current ABN or:
If you don’t have the required documentation, please see the next section
Transfer of Domain Chain Form
If no documentation is available for the CoR process, you can complete a ‘Transfer of Domain Chain Form’ provided by Synergy Wholesale, our upstream provider. This form confirms that the current registrant no longer exists. You’ll need to submit this form along with supporting documents and a Statutory Declaration signed by a Justice of Peace.
Please contact us asap and provide the required documentation before your domain is suspended. We will pass your request to auDA through our provider. Feel free to reach out with any questions, and we’ll assist in forwarding your request to auDA.
* auDA domain licencing:
You are able to perform a CoR if you meet section 5.5 of the 2004-01 – Complaints – (Registrant Eligibility) Policy, and auDA’s Transfers (Change of Registrant) Policy (2011-03).
2019-01 – .au Domain Administration Rules: Licensing Policy, Section 2.14 of the policy states that a registrant may renew their domain license provided that they continue to be eligible to hold their domain name license.