3 FREE features for you! Domain, Privacy, Email forwarding
All XYZulu customers now have access to 3 FREE features on all new and existing domain names. What are they and why should you use them?
Domain name forwarding
We now provide the ability for you to forward your domain name to another domain name, or cloak the content of an existing web site.
Let’s use one of our valued clients as an example: Matt purchased the domain name: agile.insure Instead of having to create a new website, we point or forward that new domain to Matt’s existing site: agileinsuranceadvice.com.au for free. We can do this for you too.
Email forwarding
Jenny purchases a new domain name because it’s memorable and easy to market: joomlatutorials.com We can help Jenny create a new email address: [email protected] and forward this to her existing address @gmail.com for free.
WHOIS privacy protection
We allow you to protect your online privacy by hiding your registrant details on the public WHOIS database.
How does this work in the real world? Your name as well as your address and phone number is information that is usually made available to the public when you register a domain name. You are legally required to provide valid data for these fields. WHOIS privacy protection protects this information from people who may want to misuse it.
For example, the domain name xyzulu.hosting does NOT have WHOIS privacy enabled xyzulu.com does. Compare the different results here:
Unlike other providers that often charge extra for this feature, XYZulu will do this for free on all supported domain names.
Do you have an existing domain name provider that is charging you for the above features? XYZulu offer free domain name migrations to our system. Start the process off here: my.xyzulu.hosting
Did you know we offer far more than just .com domain names? Please check out our previous post: Is the .com all there is?
We look forward to serving you even better in 2017!