Make WordPress Speed with a CDN
WordPress is a great piece of open source software that powers millions of websites. Not only is it simple to install, but adding and managing your own content is easy. Perhaps your own website runs WordPress already.
One of the easiest things to adjust with WordPress is to improve the page loading speed. Why should you care about this? Well for one, your Google ranking could be affected if your website loads slowly. Using a CDN can make a huge difference, perhaps as much as a 50% increase in site loading speed.
What is a CDN?
According to Wikipedia, a CDN or Content Distribution Network, is a global network of servers setup to serve your content in a high performance manner. It literally means that much of your website content, instead of being loaded each time from your server (which is usually located in a single location), will actually be loaded from a server or network very close to the website viewer. This is a good thing! This is something you should want for your own website.
How hard is it to setup?
It’s simple. Using a single plugin on WordPress, we can configure and implement a CDN in less than 30mins. While this is something you can probably configure yourself, you may need some help. Thankfully, this is something we can assist you with.
What about the costs?
It only costs a few cents per month! Even for a very busy website, just a few $$’s a month will be enough to run your own CDN. Using for example, Amazon Cloudfront (which is what we use on this website) you can see the costs listed here.
What if you don’t use WordPress
A CDN can still be setup just as easily for any website. We may cover more specifics in a future blog post.
Do you want to know more? Please let us know in the comments and we’ll be happy to answer your questions. Do you want us to help you setup a CDN for you? Contact us for more details.