Renewing your Domain Names Print

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In order to ensure that your domain name is renewed before it expires (and your website does not stop working) you can configure your domain(s) to auto-rewew. You must have a valid credit card on file before this can be done.

Once you have added your credit card, you can configure the auto-renewal status (or even renew your domain name early) via the domains section of the Customer Portal. We will send you emails to remind you of an upcoming auto-renewal as well as confirmation when the domain has been renewed.

Renew your domain early

You can also choose to renew a domain at any time (ie you don't have to wait until the day it auto-renews). To do this follow the following directions:
  • Login to the Customer Portal
  • Once logged in, click on 'Domains' or jump straight there with this link
  • On the left hand side, under the Actions Menu, you will see an option 'Renew'. Click 'Renew' and things should be self explanatory from there

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